Oaza Miru

Weight loss programs

CoolCAVI is a state-of-the-art body shaping device with separate technologies of cavitation, cryolipolysis, electrophoresis and vacuum.

With the CoolCAVI device you achieve:
– completely reshaped body
– Get rid of excess fat
– reduce the volume of fat cells themselves,
– achieve faster cell activation and acceleration of local metabolism,
– Reduces the appearance of cellulite and improves the overall appearance of the skin.


Cryolipolysis is a process used to freeze or subcool fat cells. When they are subjected to such a state for some time, they die, disintegrate and are excreted from the body through the lymphatic and vascular systems. Cryolipolysis is the latest procedure in the world, which has been proven to effectively remove fat in places where it is most difficult, without the use of an invasive laser or knife.

When are the results visible?
The results are visible after three to seven weeks, when the body excretes dead fat cells. They involve the removal of up to 25% of existing fat.

How often do we perform the treatment and how many treatments are needed?
The treatment is performed once a week. The treatment can be repeated in the same place after three weeks. The number of treatments depends on the amount and type of fat. For optimal results, 3-5 treatments are recommended.

Treatment is not performed in (contraindications):
– Heart patients
– Patients with vascular diseases
– Patients with pacemakers
– Patients with thrombosis and / or thrombophlebitis
– Patients treated with anticoagulants
– Patients who have had a transplant
– Holders of large metal prostheses
– Diabetics
– Epileptics
– Pregnant women or presumed pregnant women


It is a natural phenomenon that occurs under the influence of low-frequency ultrasonic waves. The ultrasound field triggers the formation of bubbles that grow to a certain size and then collapse into themselves. This releases energy in the form of heat (negligible effect) and pressure (predominant effect). The latter easily breaks down the increased fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue because their membranes are not resistant to the resulting vibrations and minimal changes occurred in the tissue pressure. This ensures high accuracy and selectivity of therapy, as other tissues (skin surface, veins, nerves, muscles) remain intact.

To help the body eliminate as much fat as possible, in a safe, healthy way, we need to drink plenty of water, at least 2 to 3 liters a day, physical activity is also recommended, during which time drinking alcohol, coffee and eating fatty foods is not recommended. Even without exercise, excellent results are achieved with cavitation, but if there is also physical exercise, they are so much better. More and more people are opting for cavitation, wanting to get rid of stubborn fat deposits, as it has proven to be extremely successful.

The number of therapies that each client performs depends on age, different tissue structure, metabolism or. individual metabolism, eating habits, medications, hormonal changes, the amount and obsolescence of fat deposits, and whether the client follows and implements instructions for home (fluid intake, abstinence from coffee and alcohol, physical activity, diet, ..) Recommended at least 6 therapies, followed by a mandatory break after 12 therapies, after which the therapy can be repeated if necessary.


Cavitation is not suitable for:
– people with fever, infectious diseases and acute illnesses,
– people with heart disease or a pacemaker
– patients with severe high blood pressure, tumors, asthma, deep vein thrombosis, enlarged thyroid or cancer,
– people with haemorrhagic diseases, injuries, vascular injuries, skin inflammation, other skin diseases,
– irritability or fractures,
– people with severe edema,
– pregnant women,
– people with implants,
– people with a weakened immune system.

Hand anti-cellulite massage

Manual anti-cellulite massage is an intensive massage that is performed only on areas affected by cellulite. With special massage techniques, we stimulate lymphatic circulation, increase the microcirculation of subcutaneous tissue and break down fat cells. Due to the intensity of massage techniques, anti-cellulite massage can be slightly painful and uncomfortable for some.

Presso therapy (lymphatic drainage)

It works by using an overpressure pump to blow air under a specific pressure into the cuffs, stimulating the outflow of lymph into the main lymph nodes.

Lymphatic drainage accelerates the cleansing of cells from toxic substances. This enables and improves the functioning of all cells in the human body and increases the rate of metabolism, which accelerates the weight loss process. Lymphatic drainage accelerates lymph flow (normal rate of lymph flow does not exceed 0.4 cm per second). Lymphatic drainage increases lymph flow by more than 8 times. This helps the organs and tissues to get rid of toxins and end waste products. As a result of lymphatic drainage in the human body, all tissues and organs obtain food and oxygen in large quantities.

Lymphatic drainage removes excess intercellular fluid. Excess intercellular fluid is one of the main causes of cellulite.
Lymphatic drainage cleans tissues much better, swellings disappear and inflammatory processes disappear. The structure of the subcutaneous and muscular tissue is also restored and healed.

– Pregnancy
– Cancer
– Predisposition to thrombosis

Vibrate plate

It uses the principle of vibration training – it stimulates the body’s natural response to vibrations. These vibrations transmit waves of energy through the body and promote the contraction of a stretched muscle 25 to 50 times per second.

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